Constraint Object

The interface of a constraint and its available hooks.

Consult the README for the definition of a constraint, this part will only be concerned with implementing one.

A constraint is implemented through a series of functions applied to an object called its state. The state has to capture whatever data is necessary to apply the constraint.

The implementation specifies a starting state in the .getInitialState hook which will be created for every metric that utilizes the constraint, and other hooks can adjust the state as needed.

During refinement, we say that an event is "consumed" when all the conditions of the defined constraints pass. Once an event is successfully consumed, we proceed to producing a metric point.

A constraint allows you to control both stages of the process.

State and context advancement

The state and the application context can both be "advanced" to a different version at the two distinct stages described earlier: upon consuming an event and later upon producing a point.

When a constraint blocks an event from being consumed, NO changes to either the state or the context will be made during refinement.

When a constraint blocks a point from being produced, all side-effects caused by the Constraint.eventWasConsumed hook from both the current and the other constraints on the metric will persist.


Let's assume we need an event to be triggered 3 times for a point to be produced. A sample implementation could be:

  name: 'ThrottleConstraint',

  getInitialState: () => ({ count: 0 }),

  shouldConsumeEvent: () => true,

  // increment the counter
  eventWasConsumed: state => ({ count: state.count + 1 }),

  // did we collect 3 events yet?
  shouldProducePoint: state => state.count === 3,

  // we did collect 3 events by this point, reset the counter
  pointWasProduced: () => ({ count: 0 })


If it is possible for your constraint logic to be customized, define it as a function and have the user instantiate it with the parameters. For example, let's revisit our sample implementation of the ThrottleConstraint to allow the user to specify the rate:

function ThrottleConstraint({ rate }) {
  invariant(rate > 0, "Throttle rate must be a positive number!")

  return {
    // ...
    shouldProducePoint: state => state.count === rate
    // ...

Static Methods

    getInitialState() -> Object

    Return Value


    The initial state of the constraint.

      state: Object,
      event: ApplicationEvent,
      data: Array.<DataPoint>,
      context: Any?
    -> Boolean

    Test whether the event conforms to your conditions. You can utilize all of the event, its data, as well as the application context to provide your answer.

      state: Object,
      event: ApplicationEvent,
      data: Array.<DataPoint>,
      context: Any?
    -> Object | Tuple.<Object | Object>

    The return value of this hook will be treated as the next state of the constraint. To leave the state without modification, simply return the first parameter or leave the hook undefined.

    To advance the state of dependencies as well as that of the constraint, a Tuple may be yielded. For example:

    eventWasConsumed(state, event, data, context) {
      const nextState = ...
      return Tuple.of(
        Object.assign({}, context, {
          loginFailureCount: context.loginFailureCount + 1

      state: Object,
      event: ApplicationEvent,
      data: Array.<DataPoint>,
      context: Any?
    -> Boolean

    Test whether a metric point is ready to be produced. Just like in .shouldConsumeEvent, you can utilize the event, its data, and the application context to formulate an answer.

      state: Object,
      event: ApplicationEvent,
      data: Array.<DataPoint>,
      context: Any?
    -> Object | Tuple.<Object | Object>

    Similar to .eventWasConsumed but triggered after a point has been produced. Commonly you may implement this hook to reset state, partially or otherwise.

Static Properties

name: String

A name to associate with the constraint for debugging purposes.

Defaults to: "NullConstraint"