DataPoint Object

Functions for storing data from application events in metric points. These functions are utilized in the definition of metrics.

To perform custom treatment of a certain data point (aka a reducer) you can implement the value function with the following signature:

function(data: Object?, context: Any?): Any

Inside such a reducer you have access to both the application event's data as well as the current context so that you can refine or compute the data any way you wish.

Static Methods

    always(value: Any) -> () -> Any

    Always return the specified value regardless of the application event data.

    For example, let's assume we have a UI interaction that can be triggered using either the mouse or the keyboard and that each kind of interaction triggers a distinct event, but we want the metric point to store information anyway:

    const metrics = [
        name: 'Search box opened',
        events: [ 'search-box/opened-using-mouse' ],
        dataPoints: [
            name: 'usingMouse',
        name: 'Search box opened',
        events: [ 'search-box/opened-using-keyboard' ],
        dataPoints: [
            name: 'usingKeyboard',

    flag(key: String) -> (Object) -> Boolean

    Store whether a value in the application event data was present at all, regardless of its value (it has to evaluate to true.)

    This coercion is useful in cases when you're interested only in whether a certain value is set. For example, let's assume we have a UI filtering control that lets the user filter results by Name and Date of Birth. What we want the metric point to convey is whether they are using the name filter, the date of birth filter, or both. The values are irrelevant.

    const metrics = [
        name: 'Filtered results',
        events: [ 'results-filtered' ],
        dataPoints: [
            name: 'byName',
            value: DataPoint.flag('name')
            name: 'byDateOfBirth',
            value: DataPoint.flag('dateOfBirth')
    const event1 = { name: 'results-filtered', data: { name: 'a' } }
    // => { byName: true, byDateOfBirth: false }
    const event2 = { name: 'results-filtered', data: { name: null } }
    // => { byName: false, byDateOfBirth: false }

    Parameters (1)


    The property key of the value to test.

    reflect(path: String | Array.<String>) -> (Object) -> Any

    Reflect the value found at @path in the event's data.

    This is the default data point reducer.

    Parameters (1)

    String | Array.<String>

    The property path of the value to reflect.

    reflectFromContext(path: String | Array.<String>) -> (Object) -> Any

    Reflect the value found at @path in the provided context.

    Parameters (1)

    String | Array.<String>

    The property path of the value to reflect.