Pikaday drill addon

A small addon for interfacing with the Pikaday date-picker library.

import drill from 'react-drill'



The API can be found here but you need to provide your own implementation of warpToPikaday which has to do three things:

  1. locate the component that has the Pikaday object
  2. create a ref to the Pikaday object called pikaday
  3. morph the scope into a PikadayScope

A sample implementation for a DatePicker component that has its pikaday set on this._pika would be:

import { PikadayScope } from 'react-drill/addons/pikaday'
import { registerExtension } from 'react-drill'

function warpToDatePicker() {
  return (
      .ref('pikaday', x => x._pika)

// expose it on the default Scope:
registerExtension('warpToDatePicker', warpToDatePicker)


  • pikaday