React Blessed drill addon

This add-on currently provides rather minimal support for drilling into blessed nodes rendered using react- blessed.

So far, it is possible to assert on textual content of the nodes and reference them by their underlying blessed type. For example, to assert that the screen has rendered a <log /> element containing a "Hello World!" message:

import { drill, m } from 'react-drill/addons/react-blessed'

it('renders log messages', function() {
  const screen = blessed.screen();
  const component = ReactBlessed.render(<MyApp />, screen);

  drill(component).find('log', m.hasText('Hello World!'));

You can also utilize the drill for locating the blessed node then perform your assertions on their properties. For example, to verify that a progressbar widget has been filled to 25%:

assert.equal(drill(component).find('progressbar').node.filled, 25)


  • make sure you require the drill and m from react-drill/addons/react-blessed and not just react-drill
  • make sure you're using ReactBlessed.render and not ReactDOM.render obviously!!!

You can look at goro which uses react-drill for testing its ReactBlessed UI.


These matches can be used with find and friends just like the regular drill matchers. They are exported as the m symbol:

import { m } from 'react-drill/addons/react-blessed'


function hasText(text: String): (blessed.Node): Boolean

Creates a matcher that will scrape the content of some blessed node and all descendant nodes then matches the given string against them.

This also catches the label attribute so you can assert that a certain box with the "Failures" label is rendered as such:

  .find('box', m.hasText('Failures'))

Internal helpers

These functions are built for internal use but may be useful. They are available on the q property of the main export:

import { q } from 'react-drill/addons/react-blessed'


function getTextContent(blessed.Node): String

Returns the textual content of a node and all its descendants. This is used by the hasText matcher internally.

) // => "blah"


function findChildren(
  rootNode: blessed.Node,
  predicate: (blessed.Node): Boolean
): Array.<blessed.Node>

Returns all the rendered children and descendants of a given blessed node.

    .find(box, m.hasText('Controls'))
) // => [ <log />, <progressbar /> ]


Some blessed type factories actually return a different type altogether. I hit this with blessed.List() which returns an instance of the type blessed.ScrollableBox. So when you're drilling, you need to actually look for scrollablebox and not list.


  1. The ability to drill using ReactBlessed components (like, components you define which render ReactBlessed nodes). Something like this:
const Log = createReactClass({
  render() {
    return <log>{this.props.messages}</log>

const App = createReactClass({
  render() {
    return <box><Log messages={['hi!']} /></box>

it('renders a Log', function() {
  drill(component).find(Log).find('text', m.hasText('Hi!'))