
Sometimes the node or component we want to locate is outside of the current virtual DOM tree. This is commonly the case when using "portals" in components to render some other component like a popup or a modal widget.

Drill provides a warp routine to handle these cases. What we do is locate the component that "owns" the portal, access the property that contains that portal, then tell the scope to use it as its own component (or DOM node if it's just an HTML element.)

const modalScope = drill(component)
    .warp(modalComponent => modalComponent.portal)

Now our scope is representing the component modalComponent.portal plus its DOM node. We can interact with elements inside the portal instead of the dummy Modal that doesn't render anything:

  .find(Button, m.hasText('Cancel'))

Additionally, we can make this easier for other programmers by implementing an interface on the Scope's prototype to look for a Modal child and do the warping:

import { drill } from 'react-drill'

drill.registerExtension('warpToModal', function() {
  return this.find(Modal).warp(({ portal }) => portal)

Now, our first example can be rewritten as:

    .find(Button, m.hasText('Cancel'))