Release notes



  • Now supports React 16!
  • The drilling scope can now select multiple components in addition to multiple DOM nodes.
  • Added an official API to support warping
  • Scope is now an export of the package. It is no longer necessary to require it manually from react-drill/lib/Scope.js.
  • Extensions to the scope's prototype (e.g. for warp routines) can now be made in a civil manner using the drill.registerExtension interface.
  • Custom matchers can now be registered globally (on the m exported symbol) using the drill.registerMatcher interface.
  • Custom actions can now be registered globally (on the Scope prototype) using the drill.registerAction interface.


  • Fixed an issue with component selectors (e.g. Selectors.findComponentByType) that would incorrectly locate components whose DOM nodes are not necessarily descendants of the Scope's current DOM nodes.

    There's a chance this may have caused some false positives in your tests - sorry!

Breaking changes

  • Anonymous React.Component classes now have the default name of Component instead of ReactComponent. If you have tests that rely on this default, make sure you update those as they could be broken.

The following functions were dropped from the Scope object because they were confusing and didn't add any value by themselves:

  • Scope#findAllByType
  • Scope#findBySelector
  • Scope#findByType
  • Scope#findComponentByType

In their place, one can now use Scope#find for locating a single element and Scope#findAll for locating multiple ones. Both APIs accept either a DOM query or a React class as a selector and the return type has been adjusted accordingly.

Potentially breaking changes (actions)

The following changes are made with the intent of getting closer to simulating exactly how React would trigger interactions when used in the browser by a real user.

  • no longer accepts a simulateNative option. A new action has been introduced that dispatches a native browser event to use if needed: Actions.clickNative.

  • Actions.check no longer accepts an isChecked boolean option. If you want to uncheck a checkbox, use the new action Actions.uncheck instead.

  • no longer directly sets the value property of the <select /> node.

  • Actions.typeIn no longer accepts the dontReplace boolean option and no longer truncates the target's "value" property by default. If you are relying on this functionality, consider calling .fillIn('') on the scope first.

  • Actions.paste no longer manually fills in the target's "value" property with the text. Instead, it creates a proper ClipboardEvent with the textual content specified in the clipboardEvent properties data field (type text.) If you are relying on the previous behavior, consider calling .fillIn(text) on the scope first.

    Please note that this only works on Chrome right now since it's the only browser that currently supports instantiating DataTransfer objects. For other browsers we fall back to the previous behavior.

  • Actions.typeIn no longer implicitly focuses the target nor does it fill in the target's "value" property with the text. Instead, it triggers events for each character as React would in the browser if the user were to type. The sequence of events is:

    • keyDown
    • keyPress
    • beforeInput
    • input
    • change
    • keyUp
  • Actions.keyPress, Actions.keyDown, and Actions.keyUp no longer focus the target implicitly. If you are relying on this functionality, consider calling .focus() on the scope before the call to any of them.


The following symbols that were exported from the main package have been renamed. The previous symbols are still around but will trigger a deprecation notice and will be removed in a future release:

Please consult the upgrade guide for guidance.

Other notes

  • React.createClass() is still supported by Drill, but note that if you are upgrading your own codebase to React 16 it will not be supported there. It is recommended to migrate your components to ES6 classes, but you can also use the create-react-class package as a drop-in replacement.
  • You can still use react-drill v4 if your codebase is on React 15 or lower. If you are upgrading your codebase to React 16, however, it is not recommended to remain on react-drill v3 or lower. Upgrading to v4 should fix any test failures you experience after your React 16 upgrade.


  • matchers are now passed the index and the props of components
  • new matcher for selecting a target (component or DOM node) via index
  • new matcher Matchers.hasProp for querying a component prop



  • Now works with React 15.5.4
  • Removed explicit dependency on the react-addons-test-utils package since it's now in 'react-dom'


  • Fixed #find with HTMLElement or SVGElement in IE11


  • Now works with React 15.4.1
  • Added explicit dependency on the react-addons-test-utils package since it's no longer provided by react


  • Add support for options hash to keyUp, keyPress, and keyDown DOMHelpers


  • Track react and react-dom as peer dependencies instead of dependencies.


  • Fixed an issue where an undefined selector passed to DOMSelectors.find would throw an exception


  • Added a react-blessed addon
  • Scope can now be inherited and it will respect the custom constructor when chaining
  • It is now possible to inject a custom findDOMNode and scryRenderedComponentsWithType routines other than ReactDOM for non-DOM React environments.


  • Now works with React 0.14
  • added a dispatchNativeEvent DOM helper


  • fixed an issue that was preventing #find() and other DOMSelectors from finding objects inside an iframe.contentWindow
  • main export drill will now forward the second argument to Scope; the nodes


Internal changes:

  • broke off the DOM selector routines from DOMHelpers into a separate module, DOMSelectors
  • coverage for the selectors


  • now exposing more DOMHelpers on the drilling API: check, keyPress, and paste
  • new drilling API has(t: String|React.Class, cond: Function) -> bool
  • fixed a bug that was preventing find() from properly matching a node in a selection
  • a new matcher hasAttribute(name: String, value: String) -> bool


  • added the end() method to the drilling API
  • no longer tracking built files (/dist) in git, only in the npm package


  • initial release