Using without React

For the odd case when you're dealing with raw HTML strings and not app-layer components, it's also possible to use the drill to work with the markup in a more declarative manner -- (almost) just as if it's been rendered by a component.

In this example we'll assume to be using Cheerio to give us a structured version of the HTML that drill can work with. Also, we'll assume to be in an environment that has no DOM (e.g. Node.js without jsdom or anything.)

For this to work, we need to teach drill how to work with Cheerio nodes instead of HTMLElement ones, which isn't as hard as it sounds and luckily in the case of Cheerio, an addon exists already for doing just that.

import { drillIntoNode } from 'react-drill'
import drillCheerio from 'react-drill/addons/cheerio'
import $ from 'cheerio'

const node = $(`
    <a href="../index.html">Go back</a>

// swap the raw backend with a Cheerio one

    .find('a', m.hasAttribute('href', '../index.html'))