Custom actions

An action has a flexible signature:

function(selector: String, [...params]): void

Primarily, it receives a DOM selector (or a DOM node, when it's invoked through the scope api) as the first argument which indicates the element it should operate on. Any additional parameters needed to perform the action can be specified afterwards. The return value is insignificant.

You can utilize the selector Selectors.find to convert the first argument to a DOM node, and optimally ask the selector to assert the node is valid.

A sample implementation to perform a click on an element would be:

import { drill, Selectors } from 'react-drill'
import { Simulate } from 'react-dom/test-utils'

function click(selector, options = { simulateNative = false }) {
  const node = Selectors.find(selector, { assert: true, action: "click" });

  if (options.simulateNative === true) {, option);
  else {, option);

Once you have your action defined, you may expose it on the Scope API using drill.registerAction:
